Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, AREEO, Karaj, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute, AREEO, Karaj, Iran.


In horticulture, to control biotic and abiotic stresses in a protected environment, the use of shade/net house or anti hail-net house can be a cost-effective solution. Unlike a greenhouse, a shade/net house is designed for non-extreme loads. In addition, the method of applying loads as a key point should be considered in the design of the structure. Therefore, the design of columns is a controversial issue considering the moments caused by wind load. These bending and twisting moments in the columns are created due to the imbalance of the wind load on the mesh. The columns cross-section used in shade/net structures have a direct effect on its strength, under different loads. Hence, stress analysis of columns with rectangular cross-section, C and U (sine) channels are considered for comparison. All these analyses were calculated and performed by SolidWorks software. This stress analysis was also performed for the mentioned columns sections that were placed next to each other in a double form. The results of the stress analysis of single columns showed that in front loading, the column with sinusoidal U section had more strength than that the columns with two other sections. It also had less deflection. In lateral loading, less stress was calculated for the sinusoidal U section. In terms of torsional load, the column with a rectangular cross-section performed better and had a much smaller angular deviation than the sinusoidal U-shaped and C-channel columns. In general, it can be concluded that in the mentioned single columns, the performance of the U-shaped section is more acceptable. The results of the loading and analysis of three types of double columns showed that the strength of the sinusoidal profile with a U-shaped cross-section was higher than that of rectangular tube and C channel. Also, the deflection created was less than that the other two types of columns. In lateral loading, the stress analysis showed that the sinusoidal U-section column had more strength and also had less deflection. In torsional loading, the double rectangular tube column had more strength and less deflection than that the other two sections. Finally, based on the stress analysis results, it was clarified that the double sinusoidal U-cross-section had more strength and successfully could be chosen in shade/net house infrastructures.


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