Document Type : Original Article


1 َAssistant Professor, Rice Research Institute of Iran, AREEO

2 Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran.


Investigating the indices of mechanization in paddy fields in each area is important and also is necessary to select correct rice machines and to use them properly. A study has been conducted in Guilan province to determine the current status of mechanization in paddy fields and to provide solutions for the problems the farmers are facing with. The indices determining the status of mechanization of rice farming were calculated from information and data in questionnaires, statistical sources, and field surveys. The results showed that the degree of mechanization of tillage, planting with transplanter, spraying, weeding and harvesting (reaper and combine) were 100%, 72.55%, 23.57%, 4.62% and 84.83% respectively. The highest level of mechanization was found in Rudbar with 9.12 hp/ha and the lowest level of mechanization was found in Shaft city with 1.75 hp/ha. The lowest economic efficiency found in Rudbar city with a value of 0.22 ton/hp and the highest economic efficiency found in Shaft city with 1.51 ton/hp. The average of rice mechanization capacity in Guilan province was 404.5 On the average, in the province of Guilan there is one tractor for every 27 hectares of paddy land, one tiller for every 4 hectares of paddy land, one transplanter for every 30 hectares of paddy land, and one harvester for every 60 hectares of paddy land. Low number of self-propelled machines in the province of Guilan comparing to the number of farmers, caused decision-making at the right time for farmers becomes difficult.


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