Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Agriculture Engineering Research Department, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shiraz, Iran. Email:


External and internal damages to seed, due to mechanical forces from processing machines, lead to a decrease in the percentage of germination of seeds. With the aim of increasing the efficiency of saw gin machine in separating the fibers from the seeds in the cotton lint, a factorial experiment was conducted in the form of a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Levels of experiment factors were rotational speed of saws in gin machine at three levels; 300 rpm (S1), 350 rpm (S2) and 400 rpm (S3), seed moisture content at three levels; 3-5% (M1), 6-8 % (M2) and 8-10% (M3), and the cotton seed variety at two levels of Hekmat (V1) and Golestan (V2). Cotton seeds length, width, thickness, geometric mean, and sphericity coefficient were measured. Also, the seed skin thickness index, the amount of visible trash on the seed and fibers, the material capacity of saw gin machine, the seed germination, seed emergence rate, seed vigor index, and relative ion leakage were determined after processing the cotton lint in the gin machine. After data analysis of variance, treatments means were compared with Duncan's multiple range tests and regression equation between test treatments (independent variables) and measured parameters (dependent variables) were done. The results showed that S1M2V2 and S1M1V1 treatments produced the highest and lowest material capacity with 2.40 kg h-1and 1.90 kg h-1, respectively. Considering the same rotational speed and moisture content, the material capacity of the machine in Golestan variety was 12.22% higher than that in Hekmat variety. The regression equations showed that in Hekmat variety, with the increase in the rotational speed of saws in gin machine, the percentage of seed germination increased and the seed vigor index decreased. In the Golestan variety, the regression equations also showed that increase in the rotational speed of saws in gin machine, decrease in the percentage of seed germination and increase in the moisture content, caused an increase in seed emergence rate. Rotational speed of 350 rpm, moisture content of 6-8% and Golestan cotton variety produced the maximum germination percentage and seed germination rate with 93.67% and 24.56 seeds per day, respectively, and it is recommended.


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