Document Type : Original Article


1 1- Ms.c Student of Department of Bio-System Mechanical Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.

2 Department of Biosystem Mechanical Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Department of Horticulture, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.

4 Tarbiyat modares university


In this research, for cooking of mushrooms, an ohmic heating device was used to evaluate the performance of the ohmic system in three voltage gradients (7.5, 9.25 and 11.5 V/cm), three types of electrodes (steel, brass and aluminum) and three concentrations of the ohmic solution, 20 ml of water and three amounts of salt (1, 2 and 3g). Also, in this process, the input current, electrical conductivity coefficient and system performance coefficient during the mushroom cooking process were calculated and the obtained data were analyzed using statistical software. Results showed that all three factors of voltage gradient, electrode type and solution concentration had a significant effect on the investigated factors and the greatest effect was shown in voltage gradient and then the electrode type and ohmic solution concentration had a significant effect on the input current factors, electrical conductivity coefficient and system performance coefficient. Based on results, it can be stated that the best type of electrode used is aluminum electrode and the best concentration is 3 grams of salt and 20 milliliters of water. The highest values of input current, electrical conductivity coefficient and performance coefficient are obtained in this concentration with this electrode.


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