Document Type : Original Article


Department of Agricultural Engineering Research, Hamedan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension organization (AREEO), Hamadan, Iran.


Soil compaction is a negative factor for plant growth. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of deep tillage (subsoiling) on potato yield using domestic and foreign studies with meta-analysis method. For this purpose, articles, research reports and student thesis between 1966 and 2021 were reviewed using key keywords related to subsoiling in the potato. Finally, after quality control, 23 studies were entered into the meta-analysis process to compare deep tillage (including conventional subsoiling, in row subsoiling before planting and inter-row subsoiling after planting) with conventional tillage without subsoiling using a random model. Based on the results, according to the total effect size value (SMD = 0.37), it can be concluded that subsoiling has had a positive effect on the increase of potato yield and has caused a 3.92% increase in potato yield. Conventional subsoiling, in row subsoiling before planting and inter-row subsoiling after planting increased potato yield by 1.23, 5.18 and 4.75%, respectively, compared to the control treatment (without subsoiling). It is recommended to use either inter-row subsoiling (to depth of 35-45 cm) after planting or in row subsoiling (to depth of 40-50 cm) before planting in the potato crop. Conventional subsoiling is not recommended due to low impact on potato yield and high cost.


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