Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Agricultural Mechanization, Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Takestan, Iran

2 Department of Biosystems Engineering, Islamic Azad University,Takestan Branch, Takestan, Iran

3 Department of Farm Machinery, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Takestan, Iran

4 Department of Agricultural Mechanization, Islamic Azad University, Science Branch and University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Given the vastness of the country's border area and the climatic diversity of the crop and garden various regions, it is an undeniable necessity to achieve a suitable cultivation pattern that can maximize the utilization of factors and institutions of production, especially the water-limiting factor. The main question in this study is that considering the current situation in horticulture in Qazvin province, what parameters emphasize the optimal conditions for determining the cultivation pattern and allocating inputs in different orchards. For this purpose, in this study, first, the relevant technical, environmental, social and economic indices and criteria that have been presented in various research sources were examined. Then, using multi-criteria decision making methods, a composite index of the mentioned indices was presented. In this study, a simple two-step random sampling method was used. In this research, in order to present a suitable pattern for cultivating horticultural products from the ideal planning method using Lingo 17 software was used. According to the results of the model, in the case of phosphate and potash fertilizers, the consumption reduction was observed to be 9.5% (above the ideal level), but in the case of nitrogen fertilizer, the consumption was reduced by 8%. In the case of the three ideals of reducing the consumption of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, excessive success was observed, i.e. a decrease in consumption of 4.5, 5.7 and 8 percent, respectively. Due to the abundance of water resources in this area, in the case of 12 ideals related to water reduction, too much success was observed, i.e. a one percent decrease in water consumption per month. The results show that the application of ideal planning method in optimizing goals and allocation for each product provides more logical results than single-objective models.


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