Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Student at Bio-System Mechanics Engineering

2 Assistant Professor at Gorgan University of Agriculture and Natural Resources

3 Associate Professor at Gorgan University of Agriculture and Natural Resources


In no-tillage, the coulters are the best way to cross the plant residues, which, along with the furrow openers, prepare the soil for seed placement. So four available tiller models in front of a mechanical row crop planter were installed and a two factor randomized complete block design using strip plots with four coulters (sweep, nail, narrow chisel and T inverted) as factor A and the three factors related to the speed of tractor (4.8, 7.2 and 9.4 km.h-1) as factor B were performed. The planter units were adjusted on 50 cm distance between rows. The sweep model with 24.4 and 7.3 cm had the highest width and depth of disturbed soil. T inverted tiller at the specified depth with the least amount of standard deviation got the highest uniformity of seed distribution on the row that was 80.4% and did not change depth of seeding by speed increasing but increased the distance between two seeds. Also, the highest quality of feed index (42.7%) and the lowest multiple index (46.8%) were related to this treatment and its miss index (10.5%) has been around other tillers. Although T inverted tiller in the forward speed of 4.8 km h-1 has better performance in terms of planting indices, but the nail tiller is more suitable because of simplicity and performance as well as its low cost compared to other tested tillers and it passes through plant residues more easily.


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