Document Type : Original Article


Head of Department/Associate Professor of Razi University


Researche results indicates that 20 to 55 percent of the available tractor energy is wasted at the traction /soil interface, because of soft agricultural soils, tire tread for traction plays a major role. Using computer simulations to study the interaction between tire and soil, the number of physical tests and development costs can be greatly reduced. Finite element simulation of complex systems is a very effective way for investigation as is used in the soil bin tire test.  In this investigation experiments were conducted for tires without tire tread, the tire tread at an angle less than the angle of the tread on the tires with full tread design, the tire tread wider than the width of the tread of the tire with full tread design, the tire tread longer (greater height) than the height of the tire tread with full tread design and tread of the tire with greater distance (distance between the step tread) than the distance in tire with complete tread design. The simulation results showed that a in absence of tread on the tire traction and the linear velocity was reduced. Also as the tire tread angle with regards to axle decreased the traction increased. But resulted in variable and oscillation under variable linear velocity condition. Furtur an increase in the width of the tread reduced the amount of traction and an increase in the height of tread increased the traction force, but caused a oscillatory and variable linear velocity. Finally an increase in the distance between two treads caused oscillatory and variable traction force and linear velocity.


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